Thursday, June 10, 2010

Last dispatch from Germany

So this is it...5 days until we leave Munich and arrive in Chicago. As it might be for most anyone moving a family of six (4 humans + 2 cats), it has been pretty hectic the last week or so. The cats really are not helping all that much as it has been quite hot and they spend most of their days dozing in various spots throughout the rapidly emptying house. They seem pleased with their mobile palaces and actually choose to hang out in them from time to time. Of course, they will hate them after 24 hours of travel, but they have not helped with the packing so this is what they get.
The cats will be flying in this bird

The most surprising thing is the amount of paper that we have accumulated. Not boxes or books (although we have a lot of those as well) but sheets of  paper. Where did it all come from? Why do we have it? Really....Our house was simply filled with paper? I made a special trip to the dump today just to get rid of  the mountains of paper (Thanks Henrik!). Paper.

98% of our stuff is now packed and in one of the 3 shipping crates. The remainder of our furniture and appliances will be gone on Saturday leaving us with 2 more nights with 1 mattress for the 6 of us. First one to bed gets the mattress so I will be turning in at about 17:00 on the weekend. I will save room for Catboy. Our belongings will be shipped directly to our new house in Darien, IL. Everything is finally set and we will close on 16 June 2010. Hooray! The Illuminati has been watching our every move and have set up spy satellite over our house...spy view of the Neil house

We will fly in on the 15th, buy a fabulous HHR, stay in a hotel and then move into our new house the next day. On the 17th we will begin driving to NH and CT. Driving will be a pleasure after 6 months of forced public transportation. The kids are looking forward to 15 hours of death metal after staying one night in their new home. We are looking forward to seeing  family and old friends. The next post will be from the USA!
actually I will write the next post from my new lawn mower

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