Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wanna buy something?

Since we still have about 10 months until we move back to the glorious United States of America, there really is not that much to do now by way of preparation. Hopefully we won't wait until May 28, 2010 and then scramble to pack all of our junk...but packing now seems kind of silly.

Instead we are just figuring out what we might be able to sell. Jenn and Kimeko have spent the morning putting together a Playmobile Zoo Set and a fancy house. They will of course fall apart the moment they are touched, but in the meantime Sterling will take some pictures of how great these toys look when you build them and never touch them and maybe some unsuspecting fool will buy this stuff. Hopefully.

One lingering concern is how we will transport our amazing cats to the USA. Yes, our cats are awesome, especially Catboy. Your cats are lame and snooty (maybe not Fluffernutter), but not my cats. Catboy does not do well with other people or cages or dogs or some other things. So we really need to figure that out. No, we cannot leave them in Germany since they do not speak German. Like me. It really is not necessary to speak German to be able to live in Germany for 8 years. I am living testament to that fact.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Starting Point

We have lived in Germany for almost eight years now. We do love Munich, but the time feels right to get back to the USA. We plan to be stepping off the plane somewhere in North America following a one way flight in June 2010.

We will move a family of four. Two cats. 800 cds. a cast iron skillet. European fashion sense. And a bunch of other stuff. A lot of other stuff...from old Europe to Chicago.

I plan to write at least once a week to chronicle this smooth operation. We will see how it goes